Stoneroller Cooperative:
Frequently Asked Questions

Last updated: March 1, 2024

I already have a designer on staff. How can Stoneroller help my team?
We are here to strengthen your team! We have capabilities you may not be able to access or not need all of the time. With a subscription you can turn on and off, we are able to be those extra pairs of hands for those crucial times. We thrive on collaboration and would welcome a chance to supplement your already great team!
Why wouldn't I just hire a full-time designer, a freelancer, or a traditional agency?
We have worked in all of these capacities and know the advantages and disadvantages to each. A full-time senior-level designer is now paid around $100,000, plus benefits, and you're stuck paying for time that your group does not use. Design agencies are expensive and often have bloated timelines, if they even consider working with teams without expansive budgets. Freelancers often need to scramble for work and become distracted. We respect each of these ways of operating, but we want to provide a design service, right here and now.

Stoneroller is a subscription you can pause if you need to, so you get the design support you need when you need it!
What sorts of organizations do you serve?
We are here to help those who uplift others. Each member of our group has years of experience working in the educational, religious, art, and nonprofit sectors. Stoneroller is dedicated to providing the best possible design service to mission-driven groups..
How long will each project take?
Since we focus on one task at a time, the majority of assignments are typically finished within three business days or less. However, for more intricate requests, additional time may be required. In such cases, we will discuss and mutually agree upon an estimated timeline before commencing the work. We firmly believe that prioritizing speed over quality does not serve anyone well.

Having been in the business of design for 20+ years, we know that most of our general projects can be completed within 3 business days or less. It all depends on how fast we receive feedback and approval from you. If you have a complex request, our team breaks the project into smaller parts to keep the momentum going. We do observe major federal holidays, but we make sure to get the work you submit done, one job at a time!
What if I am not happy with the design?
Fear not! We'll revise each piece with your feedback until you love the results.

We use your feedback through your Client Portal to refine every piece until you are satisfied! We are here to create thoughtful, well-crafted design to meet your needs and assume that we have to be responsive to your needs, ideas, and feelings when it comes to the work you ask us to do. We work on one request at a time to make sure we can work quickly and with deep focus!
What if I only have a single request?
That's fine. You can pause your subscription when finished and return when you have additional design needs. There's no need to let the remainder of your subscription go to waste.
How do I request designs?
You request all designs using your Client Portal, which we provide using the service Trello. We provide onboarding to our process so you can add notes, images, videos, and documents to your board whenever you want! That way, we  eliminate email threads, needless calls, and lost notes!

Essentially, if you can share it with us through your Trello Client Portal, we are happy to use it to create the best work we can for you!
Is there a limit to how many requests I can have?
No! Once subscribed, you're able to add as many design requests to your queue as you'd like, and they will be delivered one by one.
Do you take meetings or are you on Slack?
No, not beyond the initial call. Working with us is asynchronous as much as possible. The less time we spend in meetings and messaging, the more time we have to design your projects. All correspondence takes place alongside your projects on Trello. We do have a weekly status meeting module available if your team needs to check in on complex projects.
How does the pause feature work?
We know you might not have enough creative work to keep you busy for a whole month. You might only have one or two orders for designs at the moment. So, pausing your subscription is a good idea! The length of a billing run is 31 days. Let's say you sign up for the service, use it for 21 days, and then decide to stop using it. This means that your payment cycle will be put on hold, and you will have 10 days of service left to use whenever you want.
What kind of design do you create?
Our talented designers can design everything from branding, strategy, print materials to a website!
Are there any refunds if I don't like the service?
Due to the high quality nature of the work and the thoroughness of our communications, there will be no refunds issued.

We work hard to communicate clearly, deliver quickly, and provide solutions of which you can be proud. We recommend starting with a monthly plan to assess our service and determine if it meets your needs and expectations.

We are so happy to speak with you on a call before you commit so you know we are a good fit!